Thursday, September 22, 2011

Blow Me

It amazes me how much of our money is wasted on moving trash around. Not cleaning it up, just moving it around.

One week, the landscapers will come around with their leaf blowers, spewing toxic fumes into our air, and blow debris off of the sidewalks and into the flower beds. They don't pick any of it up, just blow it into the flower beds. Then, the next week, they'll come around again and blow it all out of the flower beds and into the grassy areas. Still not picking any of it up, just moving it around. Then, another week, they might come around and blow debris out of the car ports and into the areas around the dumpsters, still not actually cleaning any of it up, just moving it around.

Why is so much of my money wasted on just moving trash from one place to another while poisoning my air?

And for those of you who may be wondering, those walls that were plastered back in May still haven't been painted.