Our latest debacle is a doozy. In their infinite wisdom, our benevolent leaders decided, once again this year to attempt to grow winter grass. Nevermind the fact that we live in a desert. Nevermind the fact that we're in the middle of a historic drought. nevermind the fact that our sprinkler system is decades old and in constant need of attention. Nevermind the fact that we're on financially shaky ground as a community.
For the last several weeks, the landscaping guys have been fiddling with the sprinklers, making sure they were ready to go once the grass seed got laid down. Yesterday, they put down the seed, but there was no sprinkler activity the rest of the day. Then, this morning, the sprinkler guy came around and removed a bunch of the sprinkler heads. Didn't replace them with new ones, just took them out entirely. Several hours later, the sprinkler system came on. And if you've ever seen a sprinkler system run with no heads, you know where this story is going. Instead of gently sprinkling the new grass seed, we have a series of geisers that are washing the seed away. That's going to make for a lovely looking winter lawn.